Psychosocial intervention

Zootherapy is included in all my services !

There is always a dog in the office who is available to you for emotional support if you feel the need. You can cuddle him, have him on or near you, pet him, observe him, throw him a toy, hold his chewing bone, ask him questions, etc.

You are an adult



Come and give yourself a break to reflect and challenge your limiting perceptions that affect your well-being.



Come and discuss with your lover sensitive subjects and often sources of tension in your relationship.



Your parental couple needs to be solidified to update a common and coherent vision of the education of children and family life.

You are a family



Your child needs to develop affective, social, and emotional skills to reclaim their personal power and thus express a positive and authentic self.

Your family needs each of its members to express themselves about their reality in order to better understand each other, strengthen the quality of the ties that unite you and consolidate your family identity.

You are an organization


Group with thematic workshops

Bring together individuals who share common needs, experiences or problems in order to recreate a social fabric through mutual aid.

Reasons for organizational support

Critical post event / Trauma

Intervene quickly in a workplace following a traumatic event that jeopardizes the psychological balance of employees, in order to minimize the significant and lasting repercussions of acute stress.

Reasons for organizational support

You are afraid of dogs

specific intervention


Your intense and irrepressible fear of dogs makes you adopt avoidance and hypervigilance behaviors such as you…

Cynophobia is a painful anxiety disorder that has serious consequences on your social life. Not to mention that the dog is a very widespread pet in our society and its number has even exploded since the pandemic. Do not remain isolated with this fear!

I am a mental health professional and I have dogs, of different personalities and sizes, perfect to accompany you in this process of desensitization to fear of dogs.